Reema Doleh

Reema Doleh

JD Harvard Law School


Attorney. New Yorker.

JD Harvard Law School

Supreme Judicial Court Pro Bono Honor Roll

Reema Doleh is currently pursuing a Juris Doctorate degree at Harvard Law School. Her overarching goal as a lawyer is to foster a profound sense of belonging within her community, not only in her native New York City but on a national scale. Reema is harnessing her legal acumen and passion for entrepreneurship by actively engaging with the Transactional Law Clinic and the Harvard Law Entrepreneurship Project. These invaluable experiences allow her to sharpen her skills and knowledge, awarding her with a place on the Supreme Judicial Court Pro Bono Honor Roll, and enabling her to become a well-rounded attorney prepared to address complex legal challenges within the business and entrepreneurial sphere.


Belonging & Community

Entrepreneurship and Community Development

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Reema brings a wealth of practical experience to her legal pursuits. Her background includes working with a variety of organizations, including community-based non-profit entities, housing and workers cooperatives, minority and women-owned businesses, and various other enterprises. This hands-on experience has equipped her with a deep understanding of the intricacies and diverse needs of different businesses and communities. Not content with merely excelling in her studies and clinical work, Reema also takes on a mentorship role as mentor in Underrepresented Law. In this capacity, she channels her passion for community building, both within and outside the law school. Her dedication to fostering a sense of belonging and support for her fellow students is a testament to her commitment to inclusivity and community welfare.

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A well-rounded attorney ready to address complex legal challenges within the business and entrepreneurial sphere.


Her Journey

Reema's career took a significant turn when she joined the Business Outreach Center (“BOC”). Her role at BOC allowed her to interact with a wide range of professionals and small business entrepreneurs within the community. Through her daily interactions, Reema quickly realized the vital role that community building played in business development and growth. By connecting businesses with local resources and facilitating collaboration, she became a catalyst for strengthening the local business community.

Reema's efforts at the BOC also showcased how community building could lead to personal and professional growth. The relationships she cultivated with local business owners and community leaders opened doors to new opportunities, providing her with insights into various industries and paving the way for her continued career advancement.

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